Going Loco Down in Wicky Parko

With apologies to the Four Tops (lyrics by Dozier and Collins)! The starting point for this post was the concept of “going local” in these days of social distancing, but you know how I like to play around with words.

Yes, this is another mini-update of my local runs. Thankfully I’m not going loco, but I think this is in no small part due to the restorative properties of my little sorties.

Easter Sunday [12th April 2020]
easterwickiesWicksteed Park with a twist – bypassing the meercats, straight down to the lake, over the hump-backed bridge, through gate and up through little woodland bit. Then rejoining railway round the lake, going anticlockwise to end at my favourite stretching tree. I managed 2 miles but felt it cardiovascularly. A lot to work on.

It was a lovely sunny morning. No sign of the Easter bunny. Everyone was respectful of other park users – the walkers, the joggers and the strollers. I know you are supposed to keep moving, but I felt justified in stopping at the tree to do my stretching. I can understand that stopping for a picnic or on a park bench might act as a magnet for other people, but I don’t think an old man getting into strange postures by a tree will attract anyone – the epitome of social distancing!

16th April 2020
wicksteed16aprilWicksteed Park with loops – variations on a theme, with some loops and back-tracking, stopping for some photos of the lake, getting in 3 miles over 2 segments. Slowly building my fitness, but still need to work on both my physical and psychological resilience – finding the reasons to keep going when it gets difficult.


So, today’s message – go local not loco!

As ever, please run mindfully, happy and free.


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