Running into 2019

To all my followers and to anyone just passing by or dropping in – my very best wishes for a Happy New Year! If you are a runner, then I hope you get in the miles and avoid any injuries or other setbacks. If you are thinking about taking up regular running, then I hope you can start putting your thoughts into action. If you have no intention of running, then I hope my little adventures provide some insight and entertainment – and may your year be happy in ways that are important to you – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

I am pleased to report that after a bit of a break from running, I was back on track today to kick-start my training for the New Year.  It was lovely not to be recovering from a hangover, so I was feeling doubly virtuous. I wished all the walkers I passed a Happy New Year – my goodness, I am a natural spreader of joy!


My route today was a single circuit of Aldwincle Lake at Titchmarsh Nature Reserve. This is one of my favourite gentler runs, mostly used for recovery. It seems that at my age, every run is becoming a recovery run these days! I completed the 5km in just over 35 minutes, which represents a respectable pace for a recovery run. The last mile was a bit of a struggle, partly due to fatigue and partly due to some very muddy conditions. Unusually, I completed the run without deviating from my vertical position – tumbles are not unusual on this route!

This is the beginning. Again. They say breaking up is hard to do, but coming back must be a close second. It is always hard to ease back on the pace after a time away from running, you feel as though you need to hit the times you were achieving before the break.

Running Wisdom – this is recognising that it will take a bit of patience to regain a reasonable level of fitness (my cardiovascular system and core strength appear to need some attention) after a lull in training.  I think the good news is that regaining is easier than gaining in the first instance, but both demand effort and consistency.

Run happy and free throughout 2019. That is my intention, and I hope many will share it.


One thought on “Running into 2019

  1. I shall write out your suggestion to ‘Run happy and free’ and pin it on my wall. I shall, however, interpret the verb loosely.


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